Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Henry in Love

Henry in Love by Peter McCarty is on the New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2010 list.
Henry in Love is a picture book with illustrations that match what is happening in the story.  It is about Henry, a very young boy that is in love with an older football player’s sister.  Their teacher moves them at the end of recess.  Henry and the girl he loves get to set together.  Henry gives her his blueberry muffin and he gets a carrot.  This is a carefree picture book with simple sentences that follows the pictures and would allow a beginning reader to read this book by himself all the while keeping his attention.  The story line was simple and sweet and the illustrations were also simple and sweet.  Overall, it is an adorable book.
McCarty, P. (2010). Henry in Love. New York: HaperCollinis Children's Books.

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